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Covid-19 and Baby Boomers

During these unsure times, with Covid-19, one thing does not change, our elderly population is going to increase and still need care.

Baby-Boomers are the generation born from 1946 to 1964. They are defined as being the largest population increase, in our history, following World War II and the Great Depression. 76 million Americans, now ages 56-74 were born during this time. Ultimately, this means that 30 million people in the United States will be attaining the age of 80 or more over the next 20 years. 40%-50% of those individuals will need some care involving assisted living, or long-term care.

With this perfect storm awaiting on the horizon and a current system that can’t possibly keep up with demand and/or provide suitable care, with funds that are available; what will we do?  Add in, Covid-19 and the additional cost involved with that, adds fuel to the fire. New efficient and innovative ways of caring for our aging population must be set in motion. Questions about our current and future situation must not only be addressed; but answered.

Skilled nursing facilities have been hit hard with covid-19. These facilities are a necessity for patients who require a higher level of care, but do not need hospital care. It has been a costly effort to adapt to Covid-19 practices in an environment where financial distress already exists. Policies, placement issues, inefficient requirements due to liability, and overworked or inadequate work force interfere with the health of the organization which directly influences the ability to care for clients. Hopefully, the recent media attention will open the eyes of bureaucrats to provide the resources these valuable facilities need. Regretfully, this is not headline news and has been broadcast for many years; it only took Covid-19 to put it in the spotlight.

Assisted living communities cater to clients that are more independent, socially active and/or enjoy participating in activities and dining with their friends. Isolation and distancing have been necessary over the past 3 months which dramatically impacts the lives of the clients. Over the next few months, we will see what balance determines our new normalcy and what innovations can alleviate the clientele’s peace of mind.

Adult family homes are another option in caring for clientele who desire a home environment that meets their needs. Found somewhere in-between a skilled nursing facility and assisted living, there are many options for care depending on the home’s specialty and client population. Only having a maximum of 6 residents to care for, a variety of needs can be met, each home is different.

So many unanswered questions surround our healthcare system and the availability of care for our elderly, at a cost that they can all afford. Covid-19 has thrown a wrench into the works, but the wave was coming with or without it. Our country needs to step up and make taking care of our elderly population a priority, physically, mentally, emotionally.

Welcome to the "NEW WORLD"

Taylormade Care

Tina Taylor owns Taylormade Care Adult Family Home in Everett Washington. We have been providing the highest quality of care for the elderly in a bright home setting since 2008.  Click here to learn more.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Brian Taylor

    I think this was very informative. Thank you

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